FrancePoetryWomen as Writers

Winging it…

So today, I confess, I had a glass of white wine at lunchtime, my favourite time to drink wine, wrote an off the cuff poem to a friend recalling our time together writing in France – just how free and special that felt being women with rooms of our own, unencumbered, writing every day – then marvelled when, as if on cue, the sun came out, flooding my study. I contributed to Murmuration a collective poem championed by New Writing North – such a beautiful idea – send in your lines people! Wrote a long catch up email to a London friend who’s been ill like me but who’s carried on writing despite it all. Re-read and printed off an email from another dear friend who sent me this poem, A House Called Tomorrow by Alberto Rios, about which I can’t say enough – it touched me enormously, and if you need to know you are enough, you are all you need, then I’m sure it will resonate with you. I also got the first glimpse of the cover my daughter is working on for my novella – it is beautiful! All of which made me feel grateful, connected and very much part of a rich creative world – as I seem to keep saying, small things….

Cafe – Agde

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